Thursday 7 November 2019

Reception theory: blog task

1) What is the preferred reading of a media text? 

Preferred reading is a message or ideology/belief that the producers want you to believe.

2)What is the oppositional reading of a media text?

Oppositional reading is when you have a complete different belief to what the producers want you to believe.

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film?

The Harry brown trailer depicts young teenagers as violent and trouble makers this would lead the audience to believe that young teenagers are always up to something bad or trying to cause trouble.

4)Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer?

Young people would construct an oppositional reading of the trailer as not every young person acts in such violent ways, some do try to get an education.Another reason for why young people would construct and oppositional reading is as not every young person that lives a violent life decided to get into it, as some would be forced due to reasons such as: money problems at home,no parents or family to guide them, friends or simply dragged in by older people in their area or friends.

5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.

A preferred reading of this would be that people would believe that they are getting more for less as the burger is bigger and better as the title suggests "A meal disguised as a sandwich." Which is saying that the burger is like a sandwich that is filling.

A negotiated reading of this would be that some consumers would believe that the burger is worth it as you get more for less but on the other hand some consumers would believe that its not worthy as as the descriptions says it screams out unhealthy fast food.

A oppositional reading of this would be that its not worth it as your gaining unnecessary weight and eating food that does benefit your health.It also states "Under scoops of our of our own secret sauce" this would deter some consumers as they may would like to know the ingredients of the sauce as they have an allergic reaction to whatever is in it.

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