Sunday 5 January 2020

Doctor Strange: blog tasks

1) The companies that made Doctor strange was Marvel.

2) A conglomerate ownership is were small independent companies make up a larger corporation.This links to Doctor as Disney owns so many smaller companies for different movie productions such as companies that specialise in stuff such as special effects.

3) The films are regulated by the British board of film classification.(BBFC)

4) It was a 12a as it was seen as moderate fantasy violence and detailed injuries.

5) Doctor strange was promoted in the traditional way of poster and teaser trailers, another way was film based websites with gallery and story synopsis and the third way was social media profiles such as : Instagram,Youtube and Twitter.

6) One way you could tell the film trailer was a blockbuster was the special effects as the colours are not dull and dark but bright and radiant which i belief would not be cheap and also another way was how detailed the graphics were.

7) The budget was $165 million and it grossed $700 million.

8) I believe Doctor strange was a successful movie as the main goal for film producers is to make as much profit as it can and which Doctor strange done so it can be considered a successful film.

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